大學生小組 (University Student group)

i, we are University Student group!
We came from different backgrounds, very different yet special and unique individuals who strive the same purpose that’s to shine for Him. Through fellowship together, encourage each other and pray for one another, we become stronger in faith. Reading His love letter and becoming more and more Christ-like in character. Not only that, we also play around and have fun. Living life together because “many people” is always better than one.

嗨, 我們是大學生小組
我們裡頭的成員來自不同的背景, 很不同, 然而這些特別又獨特的人聚集在一起是為了同一個目的, 就是為祂發光. 透過團契, 彼此鼓勵, 彼此代禱, 信心上變得更強壯. 透過讀祂充滿愛的信, 也變得越來越有基督的性格.
不只如此, 我們一起玩耍, 一同喜樂. 一起生活, 因為”許多人”總是好過孤單一個人